The Role of Family Support in Addiction Recovery

family support in addiction recovery

In doing so, providers will inevitably come to understand family involvement as routinely beneficial rather than detrimental to recovery, a premise from which more effective interventions and supports are likely to emerge (Heru, 2015). Professionals can avail several robust youth-focused recovery management strategies to monitor youth during aftercare, encourage linkage to peer/community RSS, and reengage them in active treatment when warranted (Fisher, 2014). The effectiveness of these youth-focused strategies could be substantially enhanced by directly involving families. In accord with a family collaboration approach (Hornberger & Smith, 2011), providers can adapt family engagement interventions (described above) with the intent of cultivating RSS management partnerships with family members. As needed, providers can also select evidence-based family interventions (described above) as the focal approach or a featured component of booster treatment activities scheduled during recovery periods. A similar option, but with a thin evidence base, is family recovery programs that convene groups of affected family members to explore family change and wellness processes (Buckley-Walker et al., 2017; Toumbourou & Bamberg, 2008).

What Are the Advantages of Family Therapy?

family support in addiction recovery

This area of recovery practice appears poised to host rigorous studies of family member service access and outcomes among families of youth with SUD. In other cases, neither youth nor caregivers successfully engage with a provider during routine outreach procedures for SUD services. One evidence-based model for enhancing engagement in this scenario is Strategic Structural Systems Engagement (Szapocznik et al., 1988), which was developed on samples of high-risk youth. The impact is not limited to children in the families but also includes adult members of the family as well. Studies have shown that family members of loved ones struggling with SUD are nearly 30 percent more likely to develop mental health disorders of their own, including PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, and/or major depressive disorder.

family support in addiction recovery

Family Involvement in Substance Abuse Treatment

  • Her passion is to train and provide support to the addiction and recovery clinical and peer workforce.
  • While learning to recognize and address their feelings, families can establish their own boundaries and discuss the ways in which they can work together to facilitate healing in their lives and in the life of their recovering loved ones.

She is a family member in recovery and has served on the FOR-NY Board of Directors since 2014 and was appointed to Vice President in March 2017. Crystal is filled with a desire to help others and find a life of fulfillment and she dedicated herself to offering the message of HOPE to anyone who is willing to receive it. Crystal Costello is a person and long-term recovery, surrounded by love, and full of gratitude for the life that she now has.

The Experience Blog

family support in addiction recovery

And there is clearly a market for, but scant research on, DTC resources designed to improve parenting habits as a facet of SUD recovery management (see Becker et al., 2017). Recent surveys conducted in outpatient (Ryan-Pettes et al., 2019) and justice settings (Folk et al., 2020) found that most caregivers desired ongoing DTC support on parenting during aftercare. Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal (D/WF- Manhattan) represents the 67th Assembly District, which includes the Upper West Side and parts of Hell’s Kitchen. She has passed more than 120 laws since taking office in 2006, and in 2015 became the Chair of the Assembly Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. She is the sponsor of legislation to establish overdose prevention centers in New York State, to decriminalize the possession of buprenorphine, establish a medication assisted treatment program in all jails and prisons statewide and to expand and enhance recovery housing.

family support in addiction recovery

Prior to working for QCH, Allison served as Legislative Director of the NYS Assembly Subcommittee on Workplace Safety under its Chair Assembly Member Rory Lancman (now, a New York City Councilman). Allison’s achievements have resulted in several honors including being named one of New York State Nonprofit News’ “40 Rising Stars under 40” (2016) and New York State News’ “40 Rising Stars under 40” (2010). Allison holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University and a Masters in Social Work; Community Organization, Planning and Development from the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College.

Call 24/7 to have a discussion with one of our treatment professionals the call is completely free. Admission Line and explanation of convenient private phone and free prescreening. For professional client referrals, please call our helpline and ask to be directed to the outreach team. There are a variety of confidential, free, and no obligation ways to get in contact with us to learn more about treatment. The Enabler is unwilling or unable to hold the addicted individual accountable for their actions.

Too often, we hear loved ones try to explain the torment they feel as they sit home wondering if today is “the day” their spouse, child, parent, sibling, or friend does not come back home, or the day they find their loved one unresponsive. They may also help guide the family as they begin to move from drinking to abstinence, family support in addiction recovery then toward the last part of the transition stage. Substance use disorder may include alcohol misuse, but it can involve misuse of other substances as well. Marital stress, employment strain, and children acting out are just a few examples that Brown gives of how sobriety-related stress can emerge within a family unit.

  • Whether you’re seeking help for yourself or a loved one, our team at Resolute Recovery is ready to guide you through the process and help you find the program that best suits your needs.
  • To learn more about where to come for visits, nearby hotels and accommodations, transportation options, and more, visit our What to Expect page for families.
  • Mutual help groups are also widely available to aid family members of persons with SUD (e.g., Al-Anon), and a few studies based on member surveys have reported gains in member self-care (e.g., Timko et al., 2016).
  • Family-based treatment addresses family skills (e.g., communication, coping, problem-solving), family relationships and processes, and family member relations with key extrafamilial persons and systems (Hogue et al., in press).
  • A mental health professional might have a multitude of functions in the beginning stage of transition.
  • Prior to joining FOR-NY, Ms. Weingarten served as an Empire Fellow at both the New York State Division of Budget (Nonprofit Coordination Unit) and the New York State Commission on National and Community Service.
  • When an addiction develops, family members and friends are also often directly impacted by the addiction.
  • Family Support Navigators help individuals and their families to understand addiction as a progressive disease, identify types of available addiction services, and learn about the process of recovery.
  • Legislation that Harckham sponsored, now signed into law, puts the state’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) at the table with the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) for disaster planning and crisis response efforts.

In this sense, when one person in a family has an addiction, it isn’t their health problem alone. It’s “a sign there’s something wrong with the family system and that it’s out of balance,” according to Dr. Ananda. Listen to Greenhouse Treatment Center’s Gary Malone, MD discuss the role of therapy in addiction treatment. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish; it’s essential to be able to provide effective support to your loved one in their recovery journey. Know that it is never too late to fix broken relationships with the help of licensed therapists and medical health professionals. SMART Recovery Family & Friends meetings are a dedicated space for those with loved ones who are struggling with addiction.

family support in addiction recovery